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Imagine yesterday's dissapointments floating away above your new, clear vision & strategy... 

 About Chu_ 

I earned a Mass Communications degree from Middle Tennessee State University with a focus on production. I worked for over 16 years as an independent entertainment producer in music, film, commercials and concerts. I coached performers and traveled nationally and internationally as a keynote speaker

Now, I want to host your team or group in experiencing a fun, life-changing event that closes the distance between where you are and where you want to be.

The desire to win and thrive is universal! We all share it. We all INTEND to have great relationships, fruitful endeavors and abundant wellness! Our outcomes though, are determined by belief rather than intentions. Belief about who we are, what we deserve, and how we are to interact with the world directs our actions and habits. Intentions, are more like fertile soil. Diligently tended soil yields great produce, but idle ground quickly becomes overrun by weeds and thorns.

My mission in life is to help people win by instigating immediate, massive action. My strategy of service is to communicate ideas and share tools that equip people to live their best lives, which improves their futures. I accomplish my mission through speaking events, workshops and seminars. When I teach people to turn the fertile ground of intention into fruitful crops of habit, they get closer to being the people they were created to be. It's awesome! I'm committed to sharing entertaining, inspirational and practical ideas that instigate winning habits for people.


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